Show me the money!

Our first Entrepreneur sale of the year is just three weeks away. The students have planned their businesses, worked out their budgets, and have now come to “The Bank of Sheila” for a start-up loan! 

Research has proven that a large percentage of our dyslexic children become the problem solvers and entrepreneurs of our world. At Roadways we have built upon that research and provided all our students with an opportunity to learn the basics of what it takes to be an entrepreneur along with the financial literacy that supports it. Counting money, making change, learning the vocabulary of expenses, profit, taxes, float, all become part of this hands-on experience.

I arrived at the school armed with business folders for each student, notepads, a spiel about the “promise” or contract they would be signing, and of course a bag full of money!

Throughout the morning I met with students individually or in small groups depending on the business being set up. Each one presented their project plans to me, complete with a list of expenses they would incur in getting started.

Several interesting questions surfaced for example, “What happens if I don’t make enough money at our sale to pay you back?” “Is this my money now?” “What should I do if I haven’t asked the bank for enough money?” Each student or group counted out the cash they received and stored it safely in their business folder.

What a day! The looks on the faces of the youngest ones as they received their money, was $priceless$!

I can’t wait for the sale!

Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 15th, 2023!


Empowering Students with Learning Challenges


Festival of Trees