The Roadways Blog

Sheila Erickson Sheila Erickson

Frankenstein’s Morphology

Words can sometimes seem like mismatched monsters, thrown together with no rhyme or reason. But there’s always a method to the morphological madness!

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Sheila Erickson Sheila Erickson

April 1st… April Fools!

One year ago, today, Roadways Literacy Studio moved from a home-basement location to a large warehouse space! Although it seemed a strange day to make our move, it has been anything but “foolish!”

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Literacy Program Sheila Erickson Literacy Program Sheila Erickson

Learning Through Poetry

April is National Poetry Month, and since poetry plays an important role in our Roadways to Reading system, I always look forward to this opportunity to emphasize the reasons behind using the rich language of poetry to teach reading.

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